Whitney Livingston, PhD – Boston Fellow

2023 Publications

Livingston, W. S., Carter, S. P., Leitner, R., Ton, A. T., Gebhardt, H., Zoellner, L., Mizik, N., Rojas, S. M., Buchholz, J. R., & Reger, M. A. (2023). A Peer Veteran Approach to the Caring Letters Suicide Prevention Program: Preliminary Data. Psychological Services.

Livingston, W. S., Tannahill, H. S., Meter, D. J., Fargo, J. D., & Blais, R. K. (2022). The association of military sexual harassment/assault with suicide ideation, plans, attempts, and mortality among US service members/veterans: A meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Blais, R. K., Livingston, W. S., Barrett, T. S., & Tannahill, H. S. (2022). Sexual violence in military service members/veterans individual and interpersonal outcomes associated with single and multiple exposures of civilian and military sexual violence.Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

2023 Presentations

Livingston, W. S.,* Barnes, M. L.,* Street, A. E., & Simpson, T. L. (2022, November). Ethnic and racial representation in randomized controlled trials for co-occurring PTSD and alcohol/substance use treatments. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA. *Denotes co-first authors

Barnes, M. L. & Livingston, W. S. (2022, November). MST and Veterans of Color: What we know, what we don’t, and clinical considerations. Invited talk, oral co-presentation for the Seattle VA Intimate Partner Violence/Military Sexual Trauma Series, Seattle, WA.